Wednesday 6 July 2011

Baby Led Weaning Is.......

Baby Led Weaning is using your natural ability to feed yourself.

Baby Led Weaning is exploration.

Baby Led Weaning is choosing to eat what you want,
 in whichever order.

Baby Led Weaning is having the ability
to eat whole fruit at 8 months old.
Baby Led Weaning is eating just like my Mummy & Daddy in a restaurant.

Baby Led Weaning is finding the most
effective way to get food from plate
 to mouth 

Baby Led Weaning is satisfying.

Baby Led Weaning is having FUN!

Baby Led Weaning is a leisurely lunch.

Baby Led Weaning is identifying the good stuff .

Baby Led Weaning is experiencing new tastes and textures.

Baby Led Weaning is knowing when you still
have appetite for pudding.

Baby Led Weaning is progress!


  1. Very sweet pics! I loved baby led weaning with my two, even if it was a bit messy at times! Look forward to reading more of your blog! Emma :)

  2. Thank you! BLW is fantastic in my opinion, and it gives you the skills that make you so much more patient when you get to the fussy toddler phase!
