Saturday 28 May 2011

An afternoon on the plot.

Our greenhouse was heaving with plants ready to be potted out in the allotment so we decided to do it this afternoon once the weather was fine. Gary has grown all of his plants from seed and he has been quite successful, all of the plants are of good form, they are very strong and a good size to be able to take to the new soil well.

Currently on the allotment we have broad beans, cabbage, garlic, onions, and potatoes. Today we have planted out lettuce in the raised bed, squash, and tomatoes, we have grown the varieties Roma VF, Money Maker, and Gardeners Delight.

To keep Zane occupied we bought him a little set with a wheelbarrow, rake, trowel, and moulds. He loved it and spent about five minutes pushing his wheelbarrow around the living room saying "wow wow wow wow" continuously, I think he was impressed with his new toy! I put his wellies on and off we went. He wasnt interested in pushing his wheel barrow, he was far too curious about Daddy's and wanted to keep up with him so he could have a closer look. Once we got there I showed him how to use his new tools whilst Gary started to plant the tomatoes out. He loved crushing the soil up into a fine dust in his wheelbarrow and then tipping it back on the plot. He was starting to get a little bored with that so we went to have a look at the raised bed, I thought he could use it as his own mud patch without causing any trouble. He started to pull the weeds up, and for once I was happy with him pulling plants up! I think he loves the shocked look on my face everytime he grabs a handful of sweet pea in our garden. We piled all of the weeds into his wheelbarrow and I praised him for how helpful he had been for me, and to Daddy as it was a very important job, when he gave me a big smile and dumped all of the weeds back in, the monkey!
Zane got tired from all of the fresh air so we decided to pack up and he had a ride home.

Aimee, Gary & Zane

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